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Fund prices glossary

The names of the funds for which prices are published.

"Acc" stands for Accumulation, which is a type of share held by investors where any income received from the fund's underlying investments is automatically reinvested/accumulated and is reflected in the value of each share. 

"Inc" stands for Income, which is a type of share held by investors where any income received from the fund's underlying investments, is periodically paid to investors.  

Share Class
The type of share class which could be held by an investor. The current share classes available are I and R which have various charging structures. 

Any income is paid or reinvested/accumulated without tax deducted.

Any income is paid or reinvested/accumulated after tax has been deducted.

Price Date
This is the date when the price shown was calculated. This may not be the price received if you were to deal today, as prices move and are calculated at a valuation point each dealing day after all dealing instructions received prior to this cut-off point have been processed.

This is the price quoted in United States Dollar per share which was calculated on the price date shown. This may not be the price received if you were to deal today as prices move and are calculated at a valuation point each dealing day after all dealing instructions received prior to the cut-off point have been processed.

This is the movement in United States Dollar per share between the price on the previous price date and the price on the current price date shown.

This stands for Factsheet which shows the most up to date information regarding the fund such as investment policy, objective, where the fund is invested and past performance.

A country’s unit of exchange - USD is the currency abbreviation for the United States dollar, the official currency of the United States, and where this is shown against a fund or class denotes that the currency for investment is in dollars. 

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